Saturday, January 23, 2016

Prompt Shoot 3: Peer Review

1 - Her "Eight" picture because of how colorful it is and the simplicity of it. Also, lighting was great.

2 - Her "The End" picture because of how boring it was. Just a picture of a corner with a large white box next to it.

3 - Melissa's photos show all the prompts needed and has a rule of photography in each of her photos.

4 - Lighting
5 - Eight

6 - Pause


Magazine Covers Review

1 - Appeal and Sunkist by Jackie

2 - How much they really look like a real magazine cover and the way how all of her fonts are different to each other.

3 - To put one of the title on the back of one of the girls head because it's very distracting.

4 - The amount of words that were on the cover.

5 - Yes.

6 - No mainly because it's not my diaphragmatic. 

7 - Portrait. 


1 - The Flip by Jake

2 - The lighting in each one the two and the title of the magazine.

3 - The strange placement of the bar-code.

4 - The bright colors that radiates off the cover. 

5 - Yes.

6 - Yes because it might have very useful information for my everyday life.

7 - Self Portrait.


1 - Young Dreams and Simple by Katrina

2 - How the magazines have to age groups on it and the way each is portrayed.

3 - Large font blocks a little to much.

4 - Mainly because my brother is very athletic and is always in sports wear.

5 - Yes

6 - No because it's not my diaphragmatic

7 - Self portraits

Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

All yearbooks must have:

- All of the senior pictures
- All of the clubs in pictures, not in words
- A cleaver title
- Quotes 
- A "best of" section
- Two page spread
- School photos
- Sport pictures
- Sport awards
- Club awards 
- School staff picture
- Teacher of the year award and picture
- Prom pictures
- School spirit 
- Feature sections
- Senior activities 
- Special days
- Classic photos
- Cheerleading
- Congratulations at the end
- Marching Band
- Choir pictures 
- Life after high school pictures
- Index
- Yearbook staff at the end

1 - A Year with friends

2 - Maui High School 

3 - The "words with friends" letters, the yellow and blue fount, and the word "with"

4 - 15

5 - The "inside scoop" section where secrets are told.

6 - Yes

7 - Yes

8 - Yes

9 - 1014 boys and 941 girls.

10 - Hawaii






Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A year in Review

1 - Top three photos 




2 - Hello: Adele - I assume that I'm not the only one picking this song, that and all the other songs on that list I've never heard because I'm not a "hip music listener", but this the song that I find the funniest due to my over all life. My younger brother hates the song, so I always troll him every time I see.

(Brother) Hi Evan

Me - HELLO, is it meee your looking for.

(Brother) just no.

3 - Speaking that I've only seen only two of the movies on the list, I'll pick Star Wars. (No spoiler, if you wonder, or cared) I was the only one in my family who like it, but I not saying it's the best star wars movie either.

4 - The Black lives matter activist mostly because of how the history of black culture has transcended over last year. Many examples from the police brutality to black men, teens, and even a child, the protest sparked a nation wide protest.   

5 - To me, the biggest story was the same-sex marriage debate. Although this was even with this put in place, Texas is still saying no to marriage licences. One of the only states to do so.